Kim ' s Diary I 1 Read these sentences from Kim's diary which describe how she felt . ? When I learned about hurricanes at the local Hurricane Visitors ' Center I wasn ' t scared . But now I am . ? I am really happy here and don ' t want to move . ? Writing to you helps me feel brave . 3 Read Kim's diary and find out what was happening to her and why she had these feelings . September 8 . 1999 Dtar Diary . Hurricane Floyd is coming and should reach us here in the Bahamas 1 / ery soon . When I learned about hurricanes at the local Hurricane Visitors Center I wasn ' t scared . But now I t * ? People say that it might be dangerous to stay here on our island . We may not have electricity when the hurricane comes . Dad said that the p hone lines could get damaged . I heard Mom say that Floyd is now a Category 3 hurricane . / saw Edna crying last night . Big sisters aren ' t supposed to cryi Tom and his family left town yesterday . He has relatii / es in Nassau . and his parents thought they would be safer then . I am sad that he left and I cried when he said good-bye . I reall y miss himi It ' s not easy to be without my best fr ^ when there ' s going to be trouble . The Harrisons from next door have also left . In fact . so many people are leaving that the highways are full . People are nervous and are just packing up and going . I heard on the radio that fig hts out 0 fthe Bahamas are full . The hurricane could close down the island for a few days . so there are long lines for food and supplies at the stores . Last night Mom and Dad secured the windows . and u / e moved things to the small room next to the kitchen— the one without the window . They an afraid that the hurricane might destroy our house . I hope not . I am reall y happy here and I don ' t want to move , I am scared that my things might qet messed up . The news reporter said people should stay indoors or go to one of the nearest shelters during the storm . We might stay at the school shelter If we do . I'll haw to leave Luck y behind because dogs aren ' t allowed in shelters . That makes me reall y sad . But Mom says that Luck y should be fine . We'll put him in the kitchen and leave a lot of food and water for him . I ' m sorry I can ' t write anymore . I have to go and pack . Of course I'll take you along in my bag . I'll write more tomorrow . Writing to you helps me feel brave . Bye now . Kim