
6 My Way, Teacher's Guide Some suggestions for classroom routines using spoken language : Start class with “hello and how are you” and check in with students . This can be ● either teacher to students, or have students turn and talk to one another . When class is over, stand by the door and wish all a good day by saying “goodbye, ● take care, see you later . ” When asking students to locate specific words or when reviewing their work, use the ● phrase : “Show me… . ” Start the day by announcing the day of the week and the agenda for the day . “Today ● is… We are going to learn… Let’s go ! ” A good way to get students ready to learn is a method called a “call back . ” The teacher ● says a set phrase and students respond with a set phrase . This signals students to be in their seats, books on the table, pencil case ready, and eyes on the teacher . Explain this method to students and practice it with them . For example : Teacher calls out, “Are you ready ? ” Students answer, “We are ○ ready . ” When students need to use the restroom, teach them to use the expression, “Can I go ● out ? ” or "May I use the restroom ? " If a student wants to know how to say something in English, teach them to use the ● language structure, “How do you say… ? ” Phrases at the start of class General phrases Hello . Thank you / You’re welcome . Good morning / afternoon . Yes, please . How are you ? / I’m ( adjective ) . Well done ! Are you ready ? / I’m ready . Can I go out ? Let’s ( go / start / begin / go outside / etc . ) . Yes / Of course . Today is … How do you say … ? Sit down . Happy birthday ! This is a / an… Phrases at the end of class Ask . Goodbye / Bye . Show me… Have a good day . Excuse me, please . See you later . May I use the restroom ? Take care .

מטח : המרכז לטכנולוגיה חינוכית

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