The residents of the Riverside neighborhood are pleased about the plan to build a new high school , a shopping mall and a library around a central square . These new facilities will serve the whole community , where the majorityof the population consists of young families . Tenants living in the rent-controlled buildings facing the river have reached an agreement with the property owners . Tb tenants have agreed to pay a small rent increase if the landlords renovate the buildings . The renovations will include painting and putting in new windows and doors . Real estate developers , city planners and residents met at City Hall last week to discuss a number of issues . Urban sprawlthe growth of suburbs around the city center — was the main topic . Commuting , traveling into and out of the city , as well as the related traffic problems , topped the list of problems discussed . Developers of the new townhouse project for yuppies ( young urban professionals ) have suggested building a parki...
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