Booklet Page 11 : City Sounds Before Listening 1 . Think of the city you live in or the city closest to you . Which of the following sounds do you hear ? ] a . noise from traffic ] b . dogs barking ] c . people calling out to sell something in the street | d . music from discotheques , restaurants and neighborhood parties Q e . news or sports broadcasts from inside people ' s homes | f . bits of conversation from people walking by g h . 2 . Compare your answers with a partner and add two items to the list . 3 . Which languages do you hear around you in your city ? ] a . Amharic ] b . Arabic ] c . English ] d . French ] e . Hebrew ] f . Russian ] g . Spanish ] h . Other Booklet Page 12 : Cities Quiz 4 . Do the "Cities 0017 " and then listen to check your answers . 1 . Arsenal and Spurs are football teams in ... ~\ Montreal ~\ London _ ] New York 2 . Where is the dollar called a buck in slang ? ~\ Edinburgh J London J New York _ 3 . In which city are you most likely to see a flag with a ...
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