פעל The past tense - In Hebrew , the past tense is formed by adding a pronoun suffix ( word ending ) to the base form ( stem ) of the verb . The base form is the third person singular masculine past tense ( he ) . למד , אכל For example : There are several verb groups in Hebrew and each one follows a different pattern . verbs is : פעל The rule for forming the base form of לומד , ללמוד : ( אני ) למדתי ( אתה ) למדת ( את ) למדת ( הוא ) למד ( היא ) למדה ( אנחנו ) למדנו ( אתם ) למדתם * ( אתן ) למדתן * ( הם ) למדו ( הן ) למדו . למדתם / למדתן in spoken Hebrew you say , למדתם / למדתן * Although you should say In the past tense in Hebrew , the pronoun is often dropped before the verb , except in the third person .
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