Park It Here City planners 3 ^ aware that large cities need green spaces , so they come up with solutions to make people feel close to nature , even in busy centers . 1 Read the responses posted by people to the question in the online city survey and find out who is for parks and who is for parking lots . 7 ( lif ^ € &**&<& Parks or Parking Lots ? Do we need more parks , or more parking lots , in the center of our city ? m 1 m * 4 . 1111 ' "You can't live in a city without parks . I have three children and the street isn ' t safe for them to play in , especially because the sidewalks are so crowded . I pay my munici pal taxes and I want a park for my family . " Leslie Fisher , factory worker "My office building doesn ' t have underground parking . I spend an hour commuting to the city from the suburbs and an additional 20 minutes each morning looking for somewhere to park . It ' s impossible to find parking near my office . There is no question that we need more space for parking . " Tom' Shapiro , computer programmer "I ' m 70 years old and I ' ve been living in the city my whole life . I want to have a place to walk my dog , but cities aren ' t very dog-friendly . There aren ' t many grassy spaces . I'd also like to be able to sit on a park bench and read a book . I don ' t think it's too much to ask to have a park nearby . " Irene Dunlap , retired professor "I think that there is already too much traffic in the city . I never drive my car in town because there is nowhere to park . But the problem is that there are too many commuters with cars . They should take the train and leave the urban residents some space . In my opinion , we need more parks and fewer cars . " Natalie Smith , lawyer "I definitely think we should have more parks . The noise and pollution in the city are a problem . If we don ' t get more green spaces where people can relax , city residents will move away from the city . And if we go to the suburbs , it will be an even bigger problem for commuters to find parking spaces . " Robert Norman , teacher 2 In your notebook , make a table listing arguments in favor of each idea . Use the points made by the people quoted above and add points of your own if you wish . park n . a public place to sit or play , usually with trees and grass . park r . put a car or other vehicle in a certain spot .
