Mark : This year has been officiall y declared "Youth and Seniors for a Better Community . " Young people and seniors help one another in some way . Once a week , I meet a retired math professor . I teach him how to use the Internet and he helps me with my math . I usually end up spending a few hours with him just talking . I was really surprised to find out how much we have in common . In fact , he jokes that I ' m his best friend ! Closer Reading 1 In your notebook , make a list of the volunteer groups described on pages 32 and 33 and answer the following questions about each group . £ Whom does each group help directly ? & Whom does each group help indirectly ? c What does each volunteer gain from the experience ? V . What kind of person would join each of the groups described ? Use the adjectives in the box below to make a character profile of the kind of person who would work in each of the organizations . 3 Choose one of the excerpts and , in your notebook , continue it for another five or six lines . Show the point of connection between the person ' s involvement in the group and the wider community . Thinking About What You Have Read 1 Which organization do you feel makes the greatest contribution to the community as a whole ? Discuss with a partner . S Which of the following expressions do you most identify with ? Choose an expression and explain your answer . ? It ' s better to give than to receive . ? People need to feel connected to a group or community to make a contribution . ? Belonging is giving . » Rank the volunteer groups described on pages 32 and 33 according to which one you would prefer joining ( 1-most preferred ) . Compare your list with a partner and discuss in what ways your rankings are similar or different . creative hardworking independent outgoing patient shy sociable
