Closer Reading 1 The unknown citizen is referred to by a number and not by his name . What point is the poet making by this ? 2 In your notebook , list three to five organizations mentioned in the poem that "knew" the unknown citizen . Eb What did each one know about him ? $ ) Why do you think the names of these organizations appear in capital letters ? 3 Why is the citizen referred to as " unknown" even though a lot of information is known about him ? 4 What is it possible to infer about the unknown citizen ? 5 There are two voices " speaking" in the poem : the official voice of the authorities who "knew" the citizen , and the poet's voice . § How does the poet use irony to put across his message in the poem ? S 3 Find two examples of irony in the poem . 6 What is the poem ' s main message about modern society ? ; Thinking About What You Have Read 1 Make a list of five or six types of numbers that relate to personal information about you . Do these numbers give you an identity or make you an " unknown citizen" ? Discuss . \ A model citizen is someone who obeys the law and is a source of pride to the place he or she lives in . In your opinion , was the unknown citizen a model citizen ? Discuss . 3 When the poem was written , "everything necessary to the modern man " included a phonograph , a radio , a car and a frigidaire ( refrigerator ) . & What is " everything necessary to the modern man or woman" today ? Discuss with one or more partners . Make a group list and categorize the "necessary" items as relating to either objects ( e . g . a car ) or relationships ( e . g . friendship ) . & What does your group's categorization show about what people consider important or " necessary" today ? Explain how things have , or have not , changed since the time the poem was written . 1 y means saying one th hing but meaning the opposite .
