Words in Context Read each of the following pairs of sentences and decide what the highlighted word means . List the words and their meanings in your notebook . & Ellen received an ofncial letter of acceptance from the university and starts classes next month . Ellen received a . formal letter / an informal letter from the university . Example : a . off icial — f ormal & The student received an "A" for conduct on his report card because he was always polite . The student's test grade / behavior was good . @ For three years Mike served as a medic in the army . He dished up food at meal timesI performed his duties . fl Monthly dues for the book club are $ 5 . You have to send the book club $ 5 as payment for the booksI payment for membership . Q If the press hear about this story , it will appear in all the newspapers . The press include newspapers and magazines / people on the street . if Lena's parents immediately insured the new car , but they had to take out additional insurance so that she could also drive it because she was only 18 . When they insured their car , they paid the dealer to buy the car / they paid a company for protection in caseof damage to the car . g The mayor of the city declared in his newsletter that a new park would be built in the city . The mayor made the decision known I hinted at the decision . ( L Davey decided that he didn ' t want to go away on vacation and was content to just stay home . He is happy I unhappy about his decision . 1 Parkwood is a seaside town with a population of 20 , 000 . There are 20 , 000 people living in the town I tourists visiting the town . Dan didn ' t interfere in the argument . He just listened and kept quiet . Dan didn ' t get involved in I get upset about the argument . & Don't be absurd — there ' s no such thing as dragons . An absurd statement is usually logical I silly .
