Section Task : Arrive Writing a biographical sketch and illustrating a literary excerpt Choose one of the two literary exceipts that you have read in this section : the one by Charles Dickens or the one by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle . Dickens Excerpt 1 . Using the biographical information about Dickens on pages 15 and 17 as a basis , write a more complete biographical sketch of the author . You will find information about Charles Dickens on the Internet and in encyclopedias . 2 . Choose pictures that relate to characters of 19 "' century London , similar to those described in the excerpt iron ! the essay on page 19 . 3 . Write captions and / or speech bubbles to go with the pictures . Use the captions and speech bubbles on page 18 as models . 4 . Show your work to a partner who has chosen the Conan Doyle excerpt and ask him or her for feedback . Correct your work on the basis of your partner ' s feedback and after checking for spelling and grammar mistakes . 5 . Submit your first and final drafts to the teacher , who will assess your work using the rubric on * tmm 9 AimilU , \ ld , U ± 57 . Conan Doyle Excerpt 1 . Using the biographical information about Conan Doyle on pages 15 and 17 as a basis , write a more complete biographical sketch of the author . You will find information about Sir Arthur Conan Doyle on the Internet and in encyclopedias . 1 2 . Choose pictures that relate to the atmosphere of 1 9 " century London described in the mystery story excerpt on page 24 . 3 . Write captions to go with the pictures . You may include words and phrases from the excerpt on page 24 . You may also use the information about the London fog on page 23 . 4 . Show your work to a partner who has chosen the Dickens excerpt and ask him or her for feedback . Correct your work on the basis of your partner ' s feedback and after checking for spelling and grammar mistakes . 5 . Submit your first and final drafts to the teacher , who will assess your work using the rubric on * mM 9 Amm \ uu ± 57 . The following checklist shows what you should have in your completed task . ? I have included comprehensive biographical information about the author . ? I have used a variety ofsuitable pictures to illustrate the literary excerpt . ? I chose a suitable caption for each picture . ? I revised my work after review by a partner . ? I checked my spelling and grammar .
