City as Literary Setting The physical surroundings of a city —its buildings , its weather and its people — are often the setting for works of literature and may be used to create atmosphere in a ^ כו ץ . Setting and atmosphere are \/&\/ important in mystery stories . 1 Read the following information about the London fog . What was special about the London fog at the end of the 19 " century ? List two facts in your notebook . The London Fog , or " pea-souper , " as it was called by the Londoners themselves , is actually what we know as smog . The London fog was compared to pea soup because , when it combined with coal smoke , it was as thick as pea soup . The word smog is made up from the two words smoke and fog . It was invented by a Londoner in 1 905 to describe the heavy cloud of natural fog and coal smoke that hung over the city . In fact . London smog had existed at least since the 1 311 ' century , when soft coal replaced expensive wood to heat homes and cook meals . When the weather was very foggy , thick smog would sometimes completely cover the city for days . It affected everyday life and transportation since the drivers of omnibuses and carriages often rode without being able to see what was in front of them . By the late 1 800 s , as London's population grew rapidly , smog became a normal part of London weather . Unfortunately , smog was also a "killer , " causing illness and even death . After a four-day smog in 1 952 caused over 4 , 000 London deaths , environmental laws were passed banning the burning of coal as a source of energy in London . The London fog appears in many works of literature . ) It is also a key element in creating the right atmosphere in the stories of mystery writers such as Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Agatha Christie . 4 2 Below are sentences that belong to the text "The London Fog . " Where in the text does each sentence belong ? Decide which sentence fits each numbered space . £ } In Shakespeare ' s Macbeth , a play written some 400 years ago , three witches appear in a field of smog . Ib Many people do not know this and think that the term originated in Los Angeles , which suffers from smog due to the pollution and fog that are trapped by the mountains around the city . @ If you watch a movie version of a Sherlock Holmes mystery , you will notice the special effects of smog that are used to create a mysterious atmosphere . fl Not only did smog disturb transportation , but it also made it difficult for people to just walk in the streets because they could not see more than a few feet ahead .
