The narrator in each type of narration can give the reader different amounts of information about the characters . The omniscient narrator is an anonymous voice that knows and sees the whole picture and can go in and out of characters' thoughts . The limited narrator is a character in the text who can only give a more limited view of events and thoughts of other characters . 4 Which type of narrator " sees" in the Dickens essay — omniscient or limited ? Give examples from the text to support your answer . > A number of changes could be expected if the essay were written from the point of view of one of the other characters . Which character could have made each of the following observations about the omnibus passengers ? Write your answers in your notebook and explain how you chose your answers . & There he gets on again — the silly old man who thinks he's so important . Now he'll start poking me with that umbrella of his . Doesn't he realize that I know my work ? S > Aren't we all fortunate that this gentleman knows how to show the rude cad his place ? If we don't do something with these fellows , who knows where it will end ? c It serves him right that he's getting back as good as he's giving . He really is a boring , stuffy , old man . Doesn't he realize that times are changing ? 13 It's important to teach these fellows some manners . In these hard times , money is not what shows the difference between a man of class and another . What is important is culture . i Choose one of the above descriptions . How has the change in point of view affected the description ? First person narration is usually limited because the speaking "I" can only give his or her limited view of events and characters . However , the first person may also be < בוו observer in the background rather than a character who really takes part in the events . Pay attention to new or different information , use of different adjectives and change in sty le , Jfg , e . g . from formal to informal .
