Thinking About What You Have Read 1 In his essay , Dickens ... ? gave factual information about Londoners of the 19 "' century ; ? described the experiences of a cad in 19 "' century London ; ? made fun of the different social classes in London at the time . Which of the above was the author's main purpose in writing this essay ? Write the answer in your notebook . Dickena ' 6 mam purpoee wae . .. . 2 In modern London , the Underground and buses have replaced the omnibus . How do you think that traveling in a bus or train in any city today compares with a ride in a London omnibus in Dickens ' s time ? Discuss how one or more of the following may or may not have changed : 0 , the treatment of the driver ; S > the differences among social classes ; c how well the passengers know one another . < ' With a partner , act out a conversation that might be overheard on a bus or train today . Focus on Literature : Narration and Point of View 1 Look at the two pictures of Big Ben in London . & What are the main differences between the two views ? S > What is the main focus of each picture ? To understand the point of view in a text , we have to ask : "Who is speaking ? " and "What are we being shown ?" Understanding the point of view in a literary work helps the reader to understand the feelings , attitudes and motives of the characters and events described . 2 Describe the point of view the reader is given in the Dickens essay . & Who is speaking in the Dickens essay ? Ij > What are we shown about each of the characters' attitudes and feelings ? There are different types of narration in a text . First person narration is where the narrator is a character in the text . Third person narration is where the narrator can describe the events and characters from different points of view . » What type of narration is used in the Dickens essay ? Discuss . Big Ben . from close-up : Limited ... where is the whole picture ? Big Ben , from a distance : The whole picture . .. but where are the details ?
