Section Task : Arrive Writing a description for a city guide Choose a city you know or have information about and prepare a description that could be included in a city guide . Your description should focus on the character of the city and put across its unique atmosphere and the impressions it makes on the visitor . 1 . Use the excerpts on pages 6 and 7 as models for writing your description . 2 . Before writing , make a list of all the elements that create the city ' s unique atmosphere ( sights , sounds , smells , tastes and feelings ) . Use these in your description . 3 . Include facts about the city that explain its special character . 4 . Apply the techniques used in descriptive writing that you have learned about in this section . 5 . Ask a partner to read your description and give you feedback . Make corrections based on your partner ' s feedback . 6 . Use a dictionary or spell-checker to correct mistakes . Check your grammar . Then , make your final corrections . 7 . Submit your first draft and final version to your teacher , who will assess your description using the rubric on G 3 JE 3 S 55 . The following checklist shows what you should have in your completed task . ? My description refers to the sights , sounds and smells of the city and to the elements that give the city its unique atmosphere . ? My description includes information that shows familiarity with the city , or knowledge about its special character . ? 1 have used descriptive language elements , such as adjectives , imagery and second person . ? 1 revised my work after review by a partner . ? 1 checked my spelling and grammar .
