4 How much do you know about the following four cities : New York , Montreal , London and Edinburgh ? Do the "Cities Quiz , " and then listen to check your MISHITS . Answer on toWf 'NlHlff li . WW * 16 . ; 1 Arsenal and Spurs are football teams in ... ? Montreal ? London ? New York 2 Where is the dollar called a buck in slang ? ? Edinburgh ? London ? New York 3 In which city are you most likely to see a flag with a maple leaf ? ? Montreal ? London ? New York 4 Where would you be most likely to hear the word "loch" ? Montreal Edinburgh ? New York 5 Where is ice hockey most popular ? ? Montreal ? London ? Edinburgh 6 In which city is Broadway ? ? Montreal ? London ? New York ' Bagpipe music is most likely to be heard in the streets of . .. ? Montreal ? Edinburgh ? New York 8 Where do people use the word "telly" as a short form for "television" ? ? Montreal ? London ? New York "If you play any louder , I'll move to the next loch . " "Nothing better than watching the game on the telly . "
