4 See nature at its most breathtaking and feast on a banquet for the senses in this life-loving city . The vibrant colors will make you dizzy as you dance until the early hours of the morning to the rhythm of the Carnival . Relax on the beach during the day and party all night . This city is like a tropical paradise , with spectacular mountains hugging world famous white beaches . Enjoy the beauty of the rainforests close by . The city ' s wonderful climate is something between summer and spring . This is a city that lives in — and for — the sun all year round . 5 The dense crowds in this international , bustling city make you feel like you can hardly move . The many colors of the neon signs and shops li ght up the streets , even during the day . The strong smell of dried fish fills the air . There is nothing you cannot buy here , from ancient Oriental artifacts to the most modern technological devices — all at wholesale prices . This is a city of contrasts : it is Oriental and European , traditional and modern , crowded and calm . Although most of the population is Chinese , everyone speaks English . 6 This elegant . impressive city is built on more than a hundred islands that are linked by canals and bridges . The city sleeps under a cover of cold and darkness for a good part of the year , so the best time to visit is in the summer . Enjoy the long hours of daylight during the "White Nights " in June and Jul y . Join the crowds watching the bridges being raised over the river . Admire the splendid palaces and cathedrals with their ornate sculptures and pale blue , beige , yellow and white exteriors . Go to a ballet or an opera and get a feel for the city ' s culture and past glory . Dancing the night away in Rio de Janeiro Surrounded by skyscrapers in New York Hong Kong , city of contrasts
