Character of a City Section Task : Set Out Writing a description for a city guide Each city has its own special character . In this section , you will write a description of a city for a city guide . Your description will emphasize what makes the atmosphere of the city unique , Impressions 1 Read the following description of Paris , which was written by a tourist . What impression do you get of Paris from the description ? I am sitting in a street cafe in Paris listening to the birds sing . The trees lining the avenues are in bloom with pink and white flowers . it ' s as if Paris is wearing her most beautiful dress for her visitors and is smiling "Welcome" to her guests . I could stay forever in this romantic and happy city . 2 Impressions are formed by one or more of our five senses : sight , hearing , smell , taste and touch . & Which of the five senses helped form the tourist's impressions of Paris ? B > Support your answer with words or phrases from the description . 3 What adjectives could be used instead of the following phrases to describe the same feelings ? List the adjectives in your notebook . a listening to the birds sing $ trees ... are in bloom with pink and white flowers . 4 Why does the tourist refer to "her most beautiful dress" and "smiling 'Welcome '" when describing Paris ? 5 Look at the three pictures on this page . Q , Which ofthe women is most similar to the personification of Paris in the postcard ? Compare your answer with one or more partners . $ In your notebook , make a list of adjectives that describe the woman in the picture you chose and add these to the adjectives you listed in activity 3 . c In your notebook , write one or two sentences describing the special atmosphere of Paris based on the tourist ' s impressions . You may use some ofthe adjectives from the list you made . An object , an animal or a place may be given human characteristics or compared to a person . This is called personification .
