Organizing Factual Information A medical case report is a record of the patient ' s medical history and symptoms , as well 3 ^ of the doctor's examination and medical test results . This factual information is summarized and organized under specific headings . Introduction — an explanation of the importance of the case Background and Medical History —a general summary of the patient ' s personal details ( name , age , weight , etc . ) and the type of medical problem the patient has , information about the patient ' s health before the medical problem occurred and about the problem Symptoms — the physical problems and behavior that is unusual or indicates illness Examinations and Tests by Doctor — the results of routine medical examinations and tests , as well as of special medical tests ( e . g . fMRI , CAT scan ) done on the patient The following is a summary of the facts in the story of Phineas Gage . In your notebook , name the parts of the case summary according to the headings listed above . Case Summary : Fh mea ' s Gaqe 3 Standard medical tests ( carried showed that the p atient ' s physical condition was normal . No signs of disease or illnesis were f ound . MRl and CAT scan showed damage to the f rontal lobe of the brain . X-rays showed the exact p oints where the rod p ierced the brain . bAn Important areaof neuroto ^ case p . rQYidesan opportunity serious brain trauma , c The p atient , a young white male in his 2 Os , had the usual childhood diseases' but no unusual medical problems . The p atient suff ered major trauma to the ; brain : the f rontal lobe of his brain was pierced by a meter-long Iron rod , making a hole In his skull . The p atient presented with no sp ecif ic p hysical symp toms and seemed to have recovered f rom the head wound . d The p atient began to have sudden mood swings , was easily angered and seemed to lack concern f or others . This contrasted with his behavior bef ore the accident .
