Focus on Literature : Imagery and Sound Effects The poet William Wordsworth defined poetry as "an overflow of powerful feelings captured in words . " Poets create these "powerful feelings" in the reader by using words that ^ connected to the senses : sight , hearing , taste , touch , smell , or movement . These words create " mental pictures or sounds" in the mind of the reader . This is called imagery . The following are different types of imagery . Simile is the comparison of two different things or ideas using "like" or " as . " Examples : The bed is as hard as a rock . The baby has cheeks like roses . Her tongue is as sharp as a knife . Metaphor is the comparison of two different things or ideas but without the use of "like" or " as . " Instead , the two compared items "are" or "do" something . Examples : Sarah is a tower of strength . Her eyes were the brightest sapphires . Personification gives human characteristics to an object or animal . Examples : The car coughed alarmingly . The candles danced in the wind . Alliteration is the use of several words in a phrase or sentence that begin with the same letter or sound . Examples : She sells seashells by the seashore . The day was dark and dull . Onomatopoeia is a word that sounds like what it is describing . There is a connection between the sound of the word and its meaning . Examples : The water bubbled in the pot . The eggs sizzled in the frying pan . 1 Below are lines from the poems on pages 31-33 . What type of imagery is used ? Write the answers in your notebook . £ } .. . weary peasants wend their way . .. ( "The Fan , " lines 8-9 ) $ . . . 1 close again , like waves receding . .. ( "The Fan , " lines 11-13 ) @ ... a red fire truck moving tense ... ( "The Great Figure , " lines 5-8 ) fl .. . the whole pageantryof the year was awake tingling . .. ( "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus , " lines 6-8 ) @ ... a splash quite unnoticed ... ( "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus , " line 19 ) Example : a . . .. weary p eaeante wend their way . .. — alliteration 2 In your notebook , list other examples of imagery found in the poems on pages 31-33 .
