atiwdNforflli "A true work of art inspires others to create as well . " Anonymous The following two poems by William Carlos Williams relate directly to the paintings appearing on these pages . In each case , the poem and the painting have a common subject , but the focus and theme of each 3 ^ different . 1 Carefully examine the paintings on these two pages . Then read the poems . Discuss the following questions about both the paintings and the poems with a partner . a What is the main subject of each ? S > What aspects of the subject does Williams emphasize in each poem ? In what ways are they similar ? Explain . c How does the artist / poet use color , image , sound and structure in representing the subject and theme ? The Great Figure by William Carlos Williams Among the rain and lights I saw the figure 5 in gold on a red fire truck moving tense unheeded to gong clangs siren howls and wheels rumbling through the dark city 2 Look at the painting by Charles Demuth again . Find three clues that show that William Carlos Williams inspired the painting . Share your answers with a partner . The ^ subject ^^^ of ^ a ^ literary ^?^^ work or of - a work of art is usually easy to identify . The theme requires a deeper analysis . 1 The Figure 5 in Gold " by Charles Henry Demuth ( 1883-1935 )
