5 Skim the learning section of the magazine and find out how you can make learning easier . MNEMONICS : Strategies for Improving Memorization Strategy 1 : Visualize It ! When you have something to remember , " see" it in your mind . The more unusual you make the image , the more likely you are to remember it . Example : To remember someone's name , think of images that match parts or all of their names ( to remember the name "Fishman , " picture a fisherman ) . > Create a mnemonic strategy for each of the following : ? the names of all the prime ministers or presidents of your country ? a phone number or an I . D . number ? the names of the nine planets of the solar system in the correct order from the sun ( Mercury , Venus , Earth , Mars , Jupiter , Saturn , Uranus , Neptune , Pluto ) ? the year and the name of the first man who landed on the moon ( 1969 , Neil Armstrong ) 7 Teach your partner two of the items from activity 6 using the mnemonic strategy you created . How effective was the strategy ? Strategy 2 : Chunk It ! Separate long identification numbers with hyphens because it is easier to remember numbers or sets of information when they are in small chunks . Example : To remember 7-digit phone numbers , divide them into a 3-digit number and a 4-digit number . Strategy 3 : Make an Acronym ! An acronym is a word where each letter stands for a word in a phrase , such as WHO ( World Health Organization ) . Example : To remember the colors of the rainbow , use the first letters of each color and make up a name or a word ( Roy G . Biv — Red , Orange , Yellow , Green , Blue , Indigo , Violet ) . Strategy 4 : Rhyme It ! It ' s amazing how easy it is to remember song lyrics . If only historical facts could be remembered as easily ! Rhyme and rhythm are natural memory helpers . Example : To remember how many days there are in each month , use a rhyme . Thirty days have September , April . June and November ; All the rest have thirty-one , Excepting February alone . Which has but twenty-eight days clear And twenty-nine in each leap year . You can use these strategies for memorizing words in English or memorizing facts in any other school subject . Why do people find it so difficult to remember my name ?
