Prefixes and Roots The word "hemisphere" appears in the Brain Glossary on page 5 . The root " sphere" comes from the Greek and means circle or ball . The prefix "hemi- " means half . Hemisphere means half a circle or half a ball . In the context of neurology , hemisphere means halfof the brain . Prefixes Adding a prefix to a word changes its meaning in some way . Examples : ? mis — wrong According to research , people who have injuries to the front of the brain often prefer slapstick humor because they either do not understand or misunderstand sophisticated jokes . ? re— again , over They reintroduced the Greek belief that both mental and physical diseases were the resultof natural causes . 5 Use the prefix and the word root to work out the difference in meaning between the following words . a disability HD inability 6 Choose five words from the box below and use the meaning of the root and the meaning of the prefix to write a definition for each word . Then use a dictionary to check your definitions . 7 Read the sentences below and work out what the word in bold means by looking at the prefix , the root , the suffix and the context . Translate the word into your own language , then verify your answers using a dictionary . £ } Jack was fired from his job because his boss considered him lazy and unreliable . & After the accident , Rita had difficulties with her interpersonal relationships . c The new director of the hospital called for a complete reorganization of every department . 13 The student misinterpreted the instructions on the test and answered two essay questions instead of one . @ Some people are insensitive and often say things that are hurtful . if The apartment was unrecognizable after it had been redecorated . More practice on Common Prefixes and Meanings ab apart ; away from : abuse anti against : antisocial de undo : decode dis negative or reversing : disagree dys wrong : dyslexia en-, em make , bring about : enable , empower ex out : exclude hemi- ( also semi- ) — half : hemisphere , semifinal in- ( also im-. il-, ir- ) — not : incorrect , impossible , illegal , irreversible in- ( also im- ) — in , within : indent , impvess inter between : international pre before : preview tele from far , from a distance : telephone un not : unacceptable abnormal antisocial disadvantage disproved enable misinformation reconnect review semicircle
