Amazing Brain Section Task : Get Ready Writing a news brief In this section , you will read about the brain and write a news brief based on a longer news article . 1 Group the words and expressions in the Brain Glossary according to the categories below . Brain Glossary ability n . the mental or physical power , skill or talent to do something . access ( information ) v . to select or get information that is stored . anatomy n . the scientific study of the structure of the human body . brain scan // . a picture of the brain and its activity ( see PET scan and fMRI ) . cognition /; . the process of knowing and understanding or sensing . dysfunction n . the state of something not working properly . fMRI /; . functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging , a brain scan that uses magnetic technology to record brain activity . function n . the purpose or use of something ; v . to work or operate . hemisphere // . literally "half a sphere , " a halfof the brain . impair v . to cause significant damage to . inspire 1 : to awaken or create a feeling , a thought or an idea in a person . interpret v . to explain what something means . lobe / 7 . a section of the brain . long-term ( memory ) adj . covering a long period of time . mental adj . of the mind . neurology // . the studyof the nervous system , including the brain . perceive v . to understand , to get an impression of somebody or something ( perception /; . ) . PET scan n . Positron Emission Tomography , a scan using radioactive waves to measure changes in the blood flow as the brain functions . process ( information ) v . to prepare or deal with information in the brain or in computers ( see access and retrieve ) . recall וי . to remember , bring back from memory . retrieve ( information ) 1 : to get information that has been stored ( retrieval / 7 . ) . sensory adj . of the senses ( sight , touch , hearing , taste , smell ) . short-term ( memory ) adj . covering a short period of time . stimulate v . to make more active or alert . store v . to save , to put in a particular place for later use . trauma n . injury . 2 Which of the words could fit more than one category in your opinion ? Discuss . 3 Did you find any words that did not fit any of the categories ? If so , suggest additional categories and compare with a partner .
