Closer Reading 1 Read the questions below . ? Who did the webmaster ask each question to ? ? Answer the questions so that they are suitable for an FAQs page . Copy the questions and answers into your notebook . £ } What are the working conditions in sweatshops today ? & How do people know if clothes were not made in sweatshops ? c Why do factory owners pay workers so little ? < 3 Why do celebrities advertise fashion items ? 0 Why do many companies build factories in Asia ? f Why do people leave their homes in the village to come to the city ? Example : a . What are the working conditions in sweatshops today ? The working conditions are very bad . it is hot , noisy and crowded in the factories . People work long hours without breaks . They are not well paid . 2 Look at the three photographs on this page . Explain how they are connected to the FAQs in activity 1 . In your notebook , write a short caption for each photograph . ^^ ^^^^ m m Putting It Together 1 What actions could buyers take to help sweatshop workers ? Discuss . 2 Which of the people quoted on page 31 could do something to change the working conditions in the fashion industry ? Choose one of these people and explain what he or she could do . The questions on an FAQs page are about things that people usually ask . They deal with the most important aspects of the topic . The answers are usually short and to the point .
