The Price of Beauty Section Task : stepping Out Preparing a list of FAQs ( Frequently Asked Questions ) for a poster In this section you will learn about the less beautiful side of the fashion world . You will prepare FAQs ( Frequently Asked Questions ) for a poster about a different side of fashion or beauty . 1 Read the following quotes and compare what they say about beauty . "Everything has its own beauty , but not everybody sees it . " Confucius "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched — they must be felt with the heart . " Helen Keller "It is the beautiful bird that gets caged . " Chinese proverb "Beauty comes in all sizes —not just size 5 . " Roseanne V . Read some of the sentences from the story , "Through Hazel Eyes , " which appears on pages 26 and 27 . I was the one everyone came to with their problems ... ... I lost about three kilos and started to feel really fit . I remember lying in bed at night with this feeling of emptiness in my stomach ... I recognized the fact that I needed help ... & What do the above sentences tell you about Hazel ? & Describe what she probably looked like and what she liked to do . Read the story and find out what happened to Hazel . price n . 1 the cost of something in money . 2 what a person has to do or not do in order to get something .
