Section Task : Carry Out Preparing and acting out a role-play In groups of four , choose an ecological problem that involves different people . Prepare a script for a role-play where the different characters present their side of the issue , then act out the role-play to another group . 1 . Before you write the script , define the problem and scenario . 2 . Define the roles and prepare role cards . Use the model on page 13 and fill in the relevant infonnation for each role . Role Card for : WHO YOU ARE : WHATYOU MUST SAY : HOW YOU MUST SAY IT : 3 . Submit a summaryof the problem and scenario and the four role cards to the teacher for assessment . 4 . Based on the feedback from your teacher , write the role-play script . The following are possible task allocations . ? Content expert : Find information about the problem . ? Writer : Put the information together and write the script . ? Editor : Read the script , give feedback and correct mistakes in the script . ? Production manager : Organize the group practice sessions and make sure that what each character says fits the role . 5 . Look at the checklist on page 13 and add other suitable items . Use your checklist as a guide when preparing and practicing the role-play . 6 . Act out your role-play to a partner group . The way you perform your role will be assessed by a partner in the group . The group performance will be assessed by the teacher . The criteria to be used are on iitWWJA ECTI 7 ff > 63 . 7 . Assess a partner in the partner group using the same criteria from the assessment rubric .
