What are your dreams for the future ? Do you dream about things that might happen ? Do you dream about things that probably won ' t happen ? Read the poem . Which stanza * could almost be about one of your dreams ? Someday . .. 1 Someday I'll climb high in the sky and I won't explain why . I'll look at the world below and no one will be able to know . Someday I'll be in charge of a place right in the middle of space . My friends and I will have a room right in the center of the moon . Someday I'll hop into a jeep with a single leap . I'll take a dangerous trip and make a famous video clip . 4 Someday I'll be the leader of a band in a distant and exciting land . When I play my guitar , they'll come from every star . Someday I'll eat chocolate and cream while I sail down a stream . No one will tell me what to do and I'll know exactly what's true . Someday I won't even blink before I say what I think . Someday every school will teach my most famous speech . Someday I'll invent a machine that you ' ve never seen . Everything it will do will be entirely new . Someday I'll write a book about how to cook . There's nothing like food to change your mood . If my dreams come true , there ' s nothing I can't do . But all this will have to wait ' cause Mom is handing me my plate . * stanza —a group of lines that make up part of a poem . poem n . a type of text . The writer uses words and sounds to create a picture in the reader ' s mind . Often the words rhyme .
