Friends Forev J Friends are people who ^ there for us in good times and in bad times . They 3 ו 6 an important part of our lives . 1 Read the following quotes about friendship and discuss what they mean . "I get by * with a little help from my friends . " John Lennon "The only way to have a friend is to be one . " Ralph Waldo Emerson "Life without friendship is like the sky without sun . " Anonymous 2 What makes someone a good friend ? Discuss with a partner . Use the words below to help you . advice angry help like listen remember talk tell Answer on 1 - 3 Are you a good friend ? Do the following questionnaire about friendship . The Friendship Questionnaire 1 When my friend is angry I , try to talk to her / him . ט always Ib usually c sometimes Q never 2 When my friend has problems I , listen to her / him . & always 3 usually c sometimes Q never 3 When my friend tells me a secret I , don ' t tell anyone else . Q always Ib usually c sometimes < 3 never I 4 ask my friends for help or advice when I need it . a always Ib usually c sometimes < 3 never I 5 remember my friends' birthdays . 3 always Ib usually c sometimes fl never I 6 have fun with my friends . s always Ib usually c sometimes 3 never * get by — manage .
