. Listen and number . 3 Illustration of : Kid 1 standing next to a lost dog poster, looking sad . He’s holding a leash . Illustration of : Kid 1 and kid 2 holding the leash together . K1 is still looking sad . K2 is smiling at K1 . Illustration of : Kid 1 & kid 2 looking for the dog with a flashlight or ) משקפת ( binoculars Illustration of : Kid 1 holding his dog looking very happy . Kid 2 is happy as well . Listen and stick . . 4 1 2 הַאֲזִינוּ וּמַסְפְּרוּ אֶת הַתְמוּנוֹת לְפִי סֵדֶר הַהַשְׁמָעָה . 3 4 הַאֲזִינוּ וְהַדְבִּיקוּ בְּהֶתְאֵם אֶת הַמַדְבֵּקוֹת Xדוּמַעֵמ . Go to page X . זואי טומי מחייכת מרוצה . Ican help ! I’m so glad 190
