
Closer Reading 1 With a partner , look at the reviews on page 36 . & According to the review , decide on at least one movie that is : about the future action-packed full of surprises funny romantic scary serious $ Which of the movies are intended for . .. ? children teenagers adults everybody A review of a movie includes the following elements : Summary : What is the movie about ? Problem / Surprise : What is the turning point in the movie ? Opinion : What is the reviewer ' s opinion of the movie ? 2 Complete the information about each of the movies reviewed on page 36 . Answer on £ ? TiT / f ilWJITf k 24 . Words , Words , Words Use words you have learned about news to make a crossword puzzle . ? Choose 15-20 words . ? Prepare a clue for each word like the two sample clues . ? Use a grid like the one shown in the example or make your own . ? Number each word in the grid and each clue . ? After you finish , have a partner do your puzzle . m When we talk or write about a moviez , , we refer to something about the movie and then explain our opinion . Example : "Falling in Love" is romantic but it is also scary because ... . I think the movie is intended for teenagers because ... .

מטח : המרכז לטכנולוגיה חינוכית

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