מתוך:  > Sports Scene > The Greatest Show


In the year 500 , the Chinese p lay a kind of f ootball using a ball etuff ed with hair . In the second century , girls comp ete at the Olymp ic Games in Antioch in 5 yria . During the 11 and 12 centuries , sp orts comp etitions are held in villages In Europe . There are f oot races , archery and wrestling matches . Chariot races and combats between gladiators become popular sp ectator sp orts in the Roman Emp ire , esp ecially during the f irst century . Jesse Owens , a black American athlete , wins f our gold medals at the 3 erlin Olympic Games in 1936 . Adolf Hitler ref uses to award him the medals . In 1993 , Michael Jordan scores another win f or Chicago dulls in the N 3 A . He wins the "Most Valuable Flayer" award f or the sixth time . _ The f irst Ol ic Games of ymp ancient times are held in Greece in 776 & . C . E . For hundreds of years , these games attract visitors f rom all over Greece . A game called "Jeu de p aume " ( in French ) is p layed in France in the 13005 . Tennis develops f rom this game . In 1396 , the Olymp ic Games are _ held in Athens f or the f irst time af ter 1 , 400 years . 3 aron Fierre de Coubertin is resp onsible f or these modern Olymp ics . In the Middle Ages , knights f ight in tournaments bef ore the king and queen . The tournaments are popular entertainment f or the general public . > Copy the timeline below into your notebook . Arrange Dr . Newman's notes in the timeline by writing a few words that summarize each event . Follow the example given .

מטח : המרכז לטכנולוגיה חינוכית

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